Your First Visit
New Patient Consultation – €80
Our Consultation includes a full 30 minutes with our Orthodontic Specialist, Dr. Derek Sheils. This appointment involves a preliminary examination, before discussing the various options most suited to each individual case. X-rays, Photographs and Impressions of your teeth may be required but please be assured this is all covered in the consultation fee.
There is no pressure, or obligation from us to go ahead with any treatment at this stage. Our patients may feel free to take some time, consider the suggested treatments and are welcome to attend a follow up consultation if they so wish, for which there will be no further charge.

Please note:
All parents, children and siblings (under 18) of current or past patients who receive(d) Orthodontic treatment here, are welcome to attend for a Full Orthodontic Consultation Free of charge.
- Find out more about your first visit – Download